In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the traditional framework for children’s psycho-social development is being eroded. The slow, deliberate exposure to stimuli that once characterized childhood has been replaced by a world where social media reigns supreme, parental guidance is often lacking, and tolerance for potentially harmful behaviors such as marijuana use is on the rise.

Gone are the days when children could navigate the complexities of social interaction at their own pace, guided by parental wisdom and faith-based values. Instead, they find themselves thrust into an environment where reality TV and pop culture glorify superficiality over substance, leaving them ill-equipped to engage meaningfully with others.

The consequences of this societal shift are dire. We are witnessing a disturbing uptick in senseless killings, suicides, and mental health crises among our youngest citizens. The correlation between these tragedies and the increasing prevalence of drug use, particularly marijuana, cannot be ignored. As the age at which children are exposed to these substances continues to plummet, so too does their likelihood of experiencing long-term effects on brain development, personality, and mental well-being.

The United States, in particular, is grappling with a rising tide of violence and anger among its youth, fueled in part by the opioid epidemic and the normalization of drug use. Parental guidance and support, once considered essential for navigating the challenges of adolescence, have become increasingly scarce commodities in an age of lax parenting and unlimited access to social media.

As a society, we must confront the reality that our children are being exposed to harmful influences at an unprecedented rate. It is no longer enough to simply hope for the best; we must take proactive steps to educate parents, implement policies that protect our youth, and invest in programs that promote healthy development and resilience.

The future of our society depends on our ability to prioritize the well-being of our children and provide them with the support and guidance they need to thrive in an increasingly complex world. Failure to do so risks not only their futures but the progress of society as a whole. It’s time to reassert the importance of childhood and reclaim the values that once guided us in raising the next generation.

Note: CYS agencies, HHS, the school, Parents-Teachers Associations, faith-based institutions, and law-makers must work together to improve and develop policies and ways to address these developmental challenges and issues as they affect the progress of society; just as we are concerned about protecting human rights to life by promoting abortion or implementing planned programs to aid the family, this must also include how we continue the process of socialization.

This article was submitted by Rev. Renaldo Mckenzie, Editor-in-Chief at The NeoLiberal Journals and The NeoLiberal Post, Creator and Host of The NeoLiberal Round Podcast and YouTube Channel, Adjunct Professor at Jamaica Theological Seminary and Doctoral Candidate at Georgetown University and Temple University. Renaldo is Author of Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance and has worked as a CYS Case Manager and Service Provider Consultant in the city of Philadelphia and is an ordained Minister of Religion.

This article is available in The NeoLiberal Post at and is presented as a news commentary article on The NeoLiberal Round Podcast and YouTube Channel.

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Tags: Child Welfare CYS Developmental Psychology Psychology Rev. Renaldo McKenzie The NeLiberal Post The NeoLiberal The NeoLiberal Corporation The NeoLiberal Store

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By renaldocmckenzie

The Neoliberal Corporation is a think tank, news commentary, social media, and publisher that is serving the world today to solve tomorrow's challenges. This profile is administered by Rev. Renaldo McKenzie is the President and Founder of The Neoliberal Corporation.