Neoliberalism at The NeoLiberal Stores

Neoliberalism is now available at our The NeoLiberal Bookstore at and The NeoLiberal Bookshop at Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance offers an erudite analysis of post-independent countries of the global south in relation to the global north with a case study of Jamaica. The book is comes in hardcover, paperback, eBook and Audio and is our premier nonfiction academic textbook used in several academic disciplines at the collegiate level. Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty, and Resistance is an examination of history, philosophy, politics, economics and social resistance in relation to the United States, Jamaica, other former colonized countries, and the world at large. Neoliberalism is an in-depth look at how large-scale Western capitalist forces affect and, in general, harm smaller countries and their own citizens who are usually black, brown or people of the Global South. The book uses Jamaica and the US to provide context and a case study. In the second part of the book we consider the response to the processes of decolonization and globalization that have deepened the realities of the peoples of the Global South and the peoples in the diaspora. The book was written by Renaldo McKenzie, an academic, and Adjunct Professor in Caribbean Thought at Jamaica Theological Seminary and a graduate at University of Pennsylvania. Renaldo is currently pursuing a Doctorate at Georgetown University and has written several published essays and articles on Neoliberal Globalization, Postcolonial thought and Issues surrounding social and economic justice.


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