Are Bail Reform Laws Causing Violent Crime to Go Up or Down? Ken Good, a Practising Attorney and a Board member of the Professional Bondsmen of Texas will be a guest on The NeoLiberal Round Podcast and YouTube Channel next week. I will discuss the widely varying reports of the effect of bail reform on violent crime in America with Mr. Good. Some studies from advocates show that such crimes did not increase due to reform efforts, while other studies showed the opposite. Are any of the studies accurate? Good has worked closely with lawmakers and other individuals on bail matters.  He will offer his perspective on the impact that criminal justice and bail reform have had on public safety.

Bail reform remains a contentious subject, with significant implications for public safety and justice system equity. On the one hand, a study from California’s Yolo County District Attorney’s office reports alarming re-offense rates among defendants released on zero bail, suggesting a direct link between bail reform and increased crime (1). According to this study, 70% of defendants released without bail reoffended, with a significant proportion committing violent crimes (ibid).

Conversely, a study published May 22 by researchers at Drexel University, focusing on New Jersey’s bail reform, finds no evidence that eliminating cash bail increases violence (2). New Jersey, one of the first states to significantly reform its bail system, has seen a reduction in pretrial detention without a corresponding rise in gun violence or other crimes (ibid).

As bail reform continues to gain traction nationwide, understanding its true impact is crucial for policymakers, law enforcement, and the public. Misconceptions about bail reform could lead to misguided policies that either compromise public safety or perpetuate unnecessary incarceration.

We will share the interview as an Editorial in The Neoliberal Post at and The Neoliberal Journals at It will be available on Sunday, August 25th, 2024 on The Neoliberal Round Podcast or any podcast stream and The Neoliberal Round YouTube Channel.


  1. Zero Bail Case Study – Zero Bail Policies Increased Crime in Every Category. ( Feb 14, 2023
  2. Evaluating Firearm Violence After New Jersey’s Cash Bail Reform, Jaquelyn L. Jahn, PhD1Jessica T. Simes, PhD2Jonathan Jay, DrPH3. Published in the Journal of JAMA Network, American Medical Association. ( May 22, 2024
  3. ahn JL, Simes JT, Jay J. Evaluating Firearm Violence After New Jersey’s Cash Bail Reform. JAMA Netw Open. 2024;7(5):e2412535. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.12535

Submitted by Rev. Renaldo McKenzie, Editor-in-Chief at The NeoLiberal Post


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By renaldocmckenzie

The Neoliberal Corporation is a think tank, news commentary, social media, and publisher that is serving the world today to solve tomorrow's challenges. This profile is administered by Rev. Renaldo McKenzie is the President and Founder of The Neoliberal Corporation.