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Please help us get the temperature of the Country by completing this quick poll via the link below the poll description. We published an article and a podcast episode recently on gun reform. We concluded that, if we are to truly deal with crime, we may not need to first reform gun laws but fix issues of poverty and income distribution. The data seems to suggest that while poverty and income figures are worsening, so too is the social decay resulting in rising crime and violence. What needs to happen is for us to think about controlling crime and violence, not a particular tool of violence and crime such as guns. What is it that makes people hurt other people? It’s not the gun, it’s just the means to the end. So let’s think about the end not the means so that we are not creating problems by applying policies that “projects” blame on (guns) a tool of MAN to carry out their heinous thoughts. What’s your position?

Poll: Murder is rising sharply in America. Is Gun Reform the Answer? 

A. Yes, limit access and establish and enforce greater restrictions, license and identification requirements 

B. No, because it takes away from and limits  American freedoms and rights to bear arms 

C. Yes, one that only strengthens requirements and limits certain lethal weapons, coupled with other socio-economic policies for the poor and vulnerable and stronger enforcement that helps to prevent a black-gun market.  

D. Not sure

E. Other: comment: 

Poll Participation Link:

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By renaldocmckenzie

The Neoliberal Corporation is a think tank, news commentary, social media, and publisher that is serving the world today to solve tomorrow's challenges. This profile is administered by Rev. Renaldo McKenzie is the President and Founder of The Neoliberal Corporation.