Welcome to The Neoliberal Book Store where the Neoliberalism books are now available. Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance offers an erudite analysis of post-independent countries of the global south vis-a-vis the global north with a case study of Jamaica. The book comes in hardcover, paperback, eBook and Audio and is our premier nonfiction academic textbook used in several academic disciplines at the collegiate level. Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty, and Resistance is an examination of history, philosophy, politics, economics and social resistance in the United States, Jamaica, other former colonized countries, and the world at large.
Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality Poverty, and Resistance is on Sale at our Ingram Spark Store.
Neoliberalism in Hardcover is now $49.99

Neoliberalism in Paperback is now $39.99

Featured Book: “Neoliberalism Book 1”

Once upon a time, in the depths of research and contemplation, a passionate writer named Renaldo McKenzie embarked on a remarkable endeavor. His mission was to shed light on the intricate connections between race, power, history, philosophy, politics, economics, and resistance. Driven by a vision to inspire change and foster understanding, Renaldo penned a book of immense significance titled “Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance.”
The NeoLiberal Journal
In this captivating exploration, “Neoliberalism” transcends borders, delving into the realms of the United States, Jamaica, other former colonized countries, and the world at large. It weaves together an erudite analysis of Jamaica’s economic history, unravels the impact of globalization, and examines the far-reaching consequences of income inequality and poverty. The book serves as a compelling testament to the resilience of communities facing adversity while offering a vision for a better future.
Dr. Nolan Fontaine, President of Urban Indian Heritage Society
Book Reviews:
Kirkus Reviews describes it as an erudite analysis of Jamaica’s economic history!
George The Poet one of Britain’s successful contemporary Poets wrote that “I’ve actually read the whole thing and I loved it. I was looking for a complete account of Jamaica’s post-independence economic journey and that’s exactly what you gave me”.
According to Professor Emeritus, Dr. Martin Oppenheimer, “RENALDO was one of my most interesting students at Penn whom I’ve had the pleasure of advising on several thesis and works. His book project is really very good. His treatment of Black nationalism and Marcus Garvey in the context of the globalized economy is unique, and really a brand-new interpretation. That’s just one of many very interesting points he covers. The thesis is very thorough, very provocative, well-argued, and overall, more than acceptable.
An Erudite Analysis
Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance -Hardcover ($39.99)
Item Specifics: Narrative Type: Nonfiction. Features:1st Edition, Dust Jacket, Large Print, Leather Bound, Hardcover. Intended Audience: Young Adults, Adults. Country/Region of Manufacture: United States. ISBN: 9780578897943. Book Title: Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance. Item Length: 8in. Publishers: Palmetto Publishing and The Neoliberal Corporation. Publication Year: 2021. Format: Hardcover Language: English Item Height:1.1in. Author: Renaldo C. McKenzie. Genre: Philosophy, Political Science. Topic: Movements / Deconstruction, General Item Width: 5in. Item Weight: 20.8 Oz. Number of Pages: 346 Pages.
About The Product:
Product Information: When we hear of Jamaica or the Caribbean, we think of beautiful islands of paradise with sun, sea and sand, reggae music, cannabis, and “irie” people like Usain Bolt- people who are living out their best dreams, desires, and lives. But this book analyzes this motif, given the historical and current economic and political situation in Jamaica and the Caribbean and the “Global South.” In an attempt to escape the adverse realities of poverty, inequality, and injustice, the people of the Global South find themselves in north metropolises with very little agency and minimal change to their lives. In fact, except for the use of cleaning neoliberal waste, the immigrant is usually portrayed as an alien with three heads and big sharp teeth seeking to steal and destroy the profit and disrupt society. As such we will discuss Black, brown, and Pan-African struggles for economic prosperity, justice, and freedom and consider efforts, abilities, or inabilities to chart their own futures since decolonization and realize real political independence and economic prosperity. Perhaps, they are charting their own course by the few corrupt of the status quo who are benefiting from partnerships with the neoliberal regime of the “Washington Consensus,” advocates of the “bureaucratic phenomenon,” while the masses are left behind. John Williamson, the inventor of the term “Washington Consensus,” believes the term has two quite different meanings. First is the meaning he gave the term, which involved consensus around a set of ten policy reforms, which he believed were widely accepted as beneficial by economists. The approach will be interdisciplinary and comprehensive, drawing on various disciplines and experiences and going beyond Jamaica to consider the wider Caribbean and the diaspora in the United States. It draws on past and present works on the subject and relies on readers’ abilities, knowledge (primary or secondary), and skills to challenge, critically analyze, and develop their own thinking within a Jamaican, Caribbean, its diaspora, and/or American context given this century’s challenges and opportunities. This Book is divided into two parts.
Part A will examine whether Jamaica’s inequality trends from the mid-1970s up to the beginning of the twenty-first century were a consequence of the structural adjustment policies stipulated by the neoliberal technocrats of the Washington Consensus in Jamaica. The study does not only concern itself with Jamaica, but Jamaica provides a case and a context within which to engage the subject matter.
Part B will argue, given Jamaica’s experience with neoliberal restructuring, that Jamaica-like many former colonies-is far from independent. Further, we will consider the response to the processes of decolonization and globalization that have deepened the realities of the peoples of the Global South and the peoples in the diaspora. There have been hundreds of protests against the Washington Consensus and their lackeys since 1976 by the global justice movement and recently the Black Lives Matter movement in America. Street protests and some degree of violence have been the main strategies of the group until recently. But are the resistance movements closer to achieving their aims? The effectiveness of the resistance will be determined by the extent to which they have realized actual power: “demonstrated change in the desired direction.”

Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance
Product Identifiers: Publisher Palmetto Publishing and The Neoliberal Corporation. ISBN-100578897946ISBN-139780578897943. eBay Product ID: (ePID)8050081835)
Additional Info/Reviews:
Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty And Resistance is two books in one. In its entirety, it’s a critical examination and analysis of history, philosophy, politics, economics, and resistance in relation to the U.S., Jamaica, other countries and the World. Part A provides a case study using interpretive methods to examine the archives, data, secondary and primary interviews, of how this global south-global north dynamics takes place. Part B analyses the efficacy of the people’s response and resistance to issues of discrimination, inequality and poverty.
This book is the paperback version but is available in all formats. I am the author of the book.
The book has 11 chapters and is part of an academic dissertation/thesis research. According to Kirkus Reviews: Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality Poverty And Resistance is an “erudite [economic] analysis and welcomed perspective.”
Onlinebookclub.org describes it as a “… welcome perspective on the effects of neoliberalism…”
Acclaimed Book Critic, ReadingRoses, an Affiliate of Amazon Services, confessed that he could not stop from reading the book to the end once he had started due to the passionate manner in which the author [Renaldo C McKenzie] presented the arguments, which was one of the things he loved most about it….”
Professor Emeritus from Rutgers University and formerly of University of Pennsylvania Dr. Martin Oppenheimer commented in a review that my book project “… is really very good…his [Renaldo C. Mckenzie] treatment of Black Nationalism and Marcus Garvey in the globalized economy is unique, and really a brand-new interpretation…”

Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance – Paperback ($29.99)
Item Specifics: Condition: Brand New: A new, unread, unused book in perfect condition with no missing or damaged pages. Subject Area: Political Science, Economic Sociology, Statics, Social Research. Bundle Description: Audiobook Custom Bundle: Yes Book Series: Academic. Educational Level: Adult & Further Education, High School, Vocational School. Personalized: Yes Features: 1st Edition. Level: Advanced, Business, Technical, Proficiency, Intermediate. Genre: Philosophy, History, Economics, Nonfiction Country/Region of Manufacture: United States Subject: Globalization, Neoliberalism, Black History, Poverty, Jamaica, Caribbean, Resistance, Global Justice Movement, Income Inequality, Deconstructivist Philosophy Number of Pages: 324 ISBN: 9781649907479 Publication Year: 2021 Type: Textbook Format: Trade Paperback Language: English Publication Name: Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance. Author: Renaldo C. McKenzie Publisher: Palmetto Publishing and The Neoliberal Corporation.
Product Identifiers: Publisher Palmetto Publishing and The Neoliberal Corporation. ISBN-101649907478 ISBN-139781649907479 eBay Product ID (ePID)10050395585
Additional Info/Reviews:
Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty And Resistance is two books in one. In its entirety, it’s a critical examination and analysis of history, philosophy, politics, economics, and resistance in relation to the U.S., Jamaica, other countries and the World. Part A provides a case study using interpretive methods to examine the archives, data, secondary and primary interviews, of how this global south-global north dynamics takes place. Part B analyses the efficacy of the people’s response and resistance to issues of discrimination, inequality and poverty.
This book is the paperback version but is available in all formats. I am the author of the book.
The book has 11 chapters and is part of an academic dissertation/thesis research. According to Kirkus Reviews: Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality Poverty And Resistance is an “erudite [economic] analysis and welcomed perspective.”
Onlinebookclub.org describes it as a “… welcome perspective on the effects of neoliberalism…”
Acclaimed Book Critic, ReadingRoses, an Affiliate of Amazon Services, confessed that he could not stop from reading the book to the end once he had started due to the passionate manner in which the author [Renaldo C McKenzie] presented the arguments, which was one of the things he loved most about it….”
Professor Emeritus from Rutgers University and formerly of University of Pennsylvania Dr. Martin Oppenheimer commented in a review that my book project “… is really very good…his [Renaldo C. McKenzie] treatment of Black Nationalism and Marcus Garvey in the globalized economy is unique, and really a brand-new interpretation…”
Neoliberalism is also available in eBook via the Nook and Kindle and in Audio via the Audible and audio platforms. In fact, the book is available in all platforms at libraries, college campuses, all major online retail distributors and at Ingram Spark for bulk purchasing and printing. Please see the links below to purchase our eBook.

Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance – eBook ($17.99)

Amazon.com: Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance (Audible Audio Edition): Renaldo C. McKenzie, Michael Scott, The Neoliberal Corporation: Books – ($0.00 with 30-day trial)