We are at a pivotal moment in the world. At a time when we are questioning the need for currency, China, Brazil and several other countries are seeking to replace the US dollar with Crypto. Artificial Intelligence is becoming normal talk in everyday language as society becomes more sophisticated thanks to advances in technology.
According to Bergur Thormudsson of Statista.com in an article entitled: Artificial Intelligence (AI) worldwide – Statistics & Fact https://theneoliberal.com/renaldocmckenzie/challenges-to-humanity-china-cryptocurrency-russia-and-artificial-intelligence/04/04/2023/2477/blog-posts/the-neoliberal-journals/s, dated March 2, 2022 in Statista.
Artificial intelligence (AI), once the subject of people’s imaginations and the main plot of science fiction movies for decades, is no longer a piece of fiction, but rather commonplace in people’s daily lives whether they realize it or not. AI refers to the ability of a computer or machine to mimic the competencies of the human mind, which often learns from previous experiences to understand and respond to language, decisions, and problems. These AI capabilities, such as computer vision and conversational interfaces, have become embedded throughout various industries’ standard business processes. The most prominent industries for AI adoption in organizations include high tech and telecommunications, financial services, and healthcare and pharmaceuticals.See “Challenges to Humanity: China, Cryptocurrency, Russia and Artificial Intelligence,” by Renaldo McKenzie in The Neoliberal Corporation’s Moral MagazineA major part of real-world AI has to be solved to make unsupervised, generalized full self-driving work, as the entire road system is designed for biological neural nets with optical imagers. That's according to a tweet from @MuskUniversity on Twitter.@MuskUniversity via Twitter
“Agreed! What will we do with the rideshare drivers who will be out of work once AI become fully functional in self-driving cars. Not only are we to think about the road systems, but also the human being. The more we develop robotics, human work becomes unnecessary which affects earning potential. Unless we come up with another mechanism to base earnings or we will live in a welfare consumer world.“
Renaldo McKenzie Via Twitter
“and Tesla is getting it done.”
@elonmusk via twitter
“But who is working on the human and the loss of work? Who is working on revolutionizing human human compensation that is tied to productivity and activity which will become redundant to machines. For every skill or job, AI will eventually replace, so what’s next and what gives?”
RenaldoMcKenzie via Twitter
Artificial intelligence poses serious threats to humanity, and to fix the challenge, we may have to revolutionize human systems today. This Society was never built to facilitate AI. Since we moved away from the barter/exchange system to currency, which helped to maintain & extend privilege and power in the development of human civilization. The invention of currency was revolutionary, as it completely replaced the dynamic of human relations and production and created an economic system of value that resolved unfair exchanges in the Barter System. Moreover, the need for a currency system in its conception was necessary to facilitate a rapidly expanding world that was developing sophistication and science in work leading to the various revolutions – Agrarian, Industrial. As the world sped towards becoming Industrial moving from the Agrarian to the Industrial, currency may have been proven useful. But with the explosion of technology and its capabilities through AI, we are faced with another problem, how does the working class obtain it without the possibility of work? To answer this question critically may lead us to several probabilities that are not possible. This is a deep point here that we will flesh out later. Ultimately, we may have to get rid of money or currency. The dialectic of whether we live to work or work to live becomes whether we live to consume and consume to live, as technology replaces the working-class work and therefore their ability to consume and essentially to live in the new consumer society today and worse tomorrow. Social welfare will not be enough to deal with the loss of human labor and thus any currency they can obtain in order to consume and live. Already politicians politicize social programs and are busy mobbing up liquidity. If you want to see how technology can upend lives and society, just visit Kensington Philadelphia. It is unlike any place you will notice in a 1st world country. De-industrialization has affected the lives of those whom society has now rendered obsolete through technology replacement that has left many dependents on opioids for escape.
Further, China, Brazil and several other countries today are ditching the US dollar for Krypto currency. That was always the plan, but the US caught wind of it and made a wise chess move to dismantle Bitcoin which was investing in Krypto and Silicon Valley Bank collapsed as The Chinese and the US rivals were investing in Krypto and through social media promoted Krypto. Many Americans, new investors with no sound knowledge of geo-politics and Wall-Street, started using their stimulus money and hard earn savings to invest in Crypto and bitcoin. Krypto was booming. The Chinese, Brazil, Russia, India and some other countries were hoping to weaken the US by replacing the demand and dominance of the US dollar and was even getting the support of people in the US. Little did they know how Crypto was the currency that was supposed to upend the US dollar as the main and a major exchanged currency in the world. But the US acted, mobbing up liquidity, cutting social programs, slowing aid, etc. limiting Americans with excess cash to invest in Krypto and forcing them back to work after COVID. Bitcoin and Krypto collapse and several businesses were called before the US Capitol. Many investments businesses close and the currency plunged. Yet China, Brazil et al are still proposing a move to replace the US dollars as their main exchange for the Crypto. Furthermore, China has been lending monies to not just low-income countries but middle-income countries such as Argentina, Turkey etc. It is hard to imagine that borrower-countries may now have to use the Crypto currency to repay these loans and to trade with China and other countries ditching the US dollar. However, the US dollar remains the strongest, most backed and reputable currency in the world. Nevertheless, at a time when we are questioning the need for currency, China, Brazil, and several other countries are seeking to replace the US dollar with Krypto. This article is situated within a larger post at The Neoliberal Corporation Moral Magazine:
Challenges to Humanity: China, Cryptocurrency, Russia and Artificial Intelligence – The NeoLiberal Corporation

Rev. Renaldo McKenzie is author of Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance, Adjunct Lecturer at Jamaica Theological Seminary, Doctoral Student at Georgetown University. Renaldo is Creator and Host of The Neoliberal Round Podcast and The Neoliberal Round YouTube Channel. Renaldo is working on a second book: Neoliberal Globalization Reconsidered, Neo-Capitalism and The Death of Nations.
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