The recent debate surrounding the potential ban of TikTok appears to be based on weak grounds. One Congressman argues that it is necessary to protect us from an uncertain future, but this is merely a hypothetical argument lacking solid evidence. Another claims that the platform is corrupting the opinions of Americans, particularly the younger generation. However, it is nonsensical to suggest that young Americans are significantly influenced by events in China. Instead of resorting to heavy government regulation that curtails freedom of expression, we should focus on enhancing education in critical thinking and making it more affordable, empowering individuals to form their own informed opinions.

The Ban on TikTok: Is It A Ban on China or the Rising New Rich?

It is important to consider the role of social media platforms like TikTok in promoting extremism and corrupting the minds of constituents. Take, for instance, former President Trump and his use of social media to further his own agenda and sow division among the populace. If we are genuinely concerned about the impact of such platforms on society, we should address this issue comprehensively rather than targeting a single application.

Furthermore, in a world increasingly connected by technology, where the concept of a global village is celebrated and barriers to free trade are discouraged, it is paradoxical to erect obstacles based on flimsy arguments. What lies at the heart of the matter is competition and the accessibility of opportunities and wealth that TikTok provides. Unlike more heavily regulated platforms, TikTok allows users to gain visibility without requiring substantial financial resources. This poses a challenge to established mainstream channels, which inevitably leads to a push for restrictions.

Today, the Federal Reserve is increasing interest rates to absorb liquidity and extract funds from those who typically have limited financial resources. This move aims to slow down the growth of the emerging affluent class. Notably, rising interest rates have also affected institutions like Silicon Valley Bank, which caters to tech startups and the growing population of new wealthy individuals. The system is creating a countervailing force, fostering a backlash against this upward mobility.

Furthermore, Governor Ron DeSantis’ ban on certain books authored by black writers is an attempt to undermine their ability to profit from their works. This action is cloaked in the language of being “woke” and serves to denigrate the academic contributions and pure intentions of black writers. It is used as justification to attack those who have gained access to opportunities and are on an upward trajectory. We must delve deeply into these issues to uncover any strategies employed by the mainstream or the status quo to disrupt the access and opportunities available to us for progress and prosperity.

When the Federal Reserve claims that there is too much money in the hands of people in society, they are essentially referring to individuals who are experiencing upward mobility and gaining wealth through new digital technologies, startups, books, or entrepreneurial ventures. Consequently, there is a concerted effort to attack anything that enables this access. Those with financial means can simply invest or lend their money to generate even more wealth, while those without adequate resources or reliant on loans face greater financial burdens. Additionally, TikTok, which offered a source of income for many individuals, has become another target in this assault.

If TikTok were to operate similarly to American social media platforms, visibility and viewership would be controlled by algorithms that limit exposure unless users pay to have their content seen by others. Moreover, countries around the world have a genuine interest in American lifestyle and culture. The fact that Chinese users spend less time on TikTok compared to Americans is due to cultural differences. Many Chinese and international users are captivated by American society, spending their time observing American lifestyles on social media. This fascination does not imply malicious intent but rather a desire to emulate or incorporate certain aspects of American culture into their own.

Therefore, the argument that we are under heavy surveillance by the Chinese through social media is baseless. If we do have genuine security concerns regarding TikTok, they should be addressed by implementing robust parental supervision, where parents actively monitor their children’s online activities. Furthermore, critical thinking skills should be emphasized in our education curriculum to equip individuals with the tools to navigate digital platforms responsibly. Additionally, it may be necessary to establish firewalls that protect American devices from spyware or other intrusive technologies when using TikTok.

Finally, it is crucial to correct Governor DeSantis. The educational experience encompasses more than just classroom instruction; it encompasses the entire learning journey. Children have the right to discover their identities with the support of their parents. Big government should not interfere in matters of a child’s sexual identity, just as it should not meddle in an individual’s racial or sexual orientation. It is hypocritical for Republicans to attempt to legislate on matters of personal choice and individual lives, as it contradicts the principles of their own political ideology.

In conclusion, the argument to ban TikTok lacks substantial evidence and relies on weak reasoning. Instead of restricting access and competition, we should focus on improving education, enhancing critical thinking skills, and promoting responsible online behavior. The issues surrounding TikTok should be addressed comprehensively, taking into account the broader context of social media platforms and their impact on society. Let us foster an environment that encourages dialogue, education, and personal growth, rather than resorting to knee-jerk reactions that limit our opportunities for progress and prosperity.

This was originally published on The NeoLiberal Via Spotify March 2023 and in The NeoLiberal Journals at The NeoLiberal Corporation Moral Magazine,

The Ban on TikTok, is it an attack against China or the New Rich?

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By renaldocmckenzie

The Neoliberal Corporation is a think tank, news commentary, social media, and publisher that is serving the world today to solve tomorrow's challenges. This profile is administered by Rev. Renaldo McKenzie is the President and Founder of The Neoliberal Corporation.