From Silicon Valley Bank to banning black books, increasing interest rates and shutting down the “Robinhood program”, to now banning TikTok. Access to wealth through the new technology by the new rich is under attack. The argument to ban TikTok seems quite flimsy, really. One Congressman said it is protecting us against the future. That is a hypothetical argument.
Another says its corrupting Americans opinions, nonsense, Young Americans couldn’t care less with what’s happening in China. Instead using big govt. to regulate freedom of expressions, why not beef up education around critical thinking & make educational affordable where we can be firm in our thinking. What about Trump and MAGA who use social media to promote extremism and to corrupt the minds of some constituents? Moreover, we live in a global village they say that’s against barriers to free trade. Yet we are here doing just that putting up barriers based in loose arguments to confuse peoples. What is really the case here: Competition and the access to opportunity and wealth that TikTok provides. It is not heavily regulated and does not require huge sums of money to get visibility. TikTok is driving revenues away from the mainstream and this poses a problem. The drive to ban TikTok is the drive to limit competition and access. The Feds today are raising interest rates to mob-up liquidity, to take monies out of the hands of people who don’t usually have money. To slow down the growth of the new rich. Moreover, Silicon Valley bank was affected by rising interest rates, a bank that caters to start ups tech and the rising new rich people. The system is countervailing, creating a backlash against the rising new rich. Ron DeSantis is also banning black books and therefore their ability to profit off their books, using language of Woke to demean black academic books and pure intentions and to justify their attack on those who now have access and are rising. We must really delve into these issues to unearth any strategy by the status quo or mainstream to upend the access and opportunities that are available to us to make gains and wealth. However, If the Feds are saying that there is too much money in the hands of people in society, it is people who are rising and getting rich or money through the new digital technology and their start-ups, books or entrepreneurial initiatives that is changing how people work and how they earn. As such there is an attack on everything that provides this access. Those with money will park it and have the luxury of making more from the loans they give or on their investments. Those without or with little or loans now have to pay more. Plus, TikTok which provided an income stream to many is also another opportunity they have attacked. If TikTok operates like American social media platforms, then the visibility and viewership would be managed by algorithms that limit viewership unless you have the money to pay for your friends to see your posts. Moreover, countries are interested with American lifestyle. If Congress want to compare how Chinese kids spends far less time on TikTok, than Americans, that is because our cultures are different. Moreover, many Chinese and people overseas are fascinated with Americans and spend their times watching American lifestyle on social media, not because they are studying us to kill us but because they want to be like Americans or they are fascinated by American ways and systems and probably will incorporate it in their cultures. Tiktok provides a great way to sell American culture to the world. So the argument that we are being heavily scrutinized by Chinese through social media is cheap. Moreover, if we have security concerns over TikTok, what is it really apart from corrupting minds like Trump did with the insurrectionists? We must have good parenting where parents monitor what their kids see and we must also have critical thinking skills as part of our curriculum. In addition, we may need to install fire walls that prevent spyware or other spy technology from interfering in American devices when logged on to TikTok. Finally, I want to correct DeSantis. The whole school experience is part of the curriculum. It is not just a class; it involves the whole learning experience. A child has a right to discover himself with the help of his or her parents. Big Govt. should not interfere in a child’s sexual identity. An identity whether racial or sexual is a personal matter just as my faith is. Do not interfere. You are being hypocritical to Republicanism when you try to legislate on peoples’ sex and lives.

Submitted by Rev. Renaldo McKenzie, Senior Writer and Publisher of The NeoLiberal Post.
Renaldo is Author of Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance (Available here in Audible, Paperback or Hardcover globally) and is an Adjunct Professor at Jamaica Theological Seminary and Doctoral Candidate at Georgetown University and graduated from The University of Pennsylvania. Renaldo is also Creator of The Neoliberal Round Podcast and The Neoliberal Round by Renaldo McKenzie on YouTube.

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