News commentary: President Joe Biden of the US Overhaul’s Marijuana Policy, OPEC Slashes Oil Output Ahead of US Mid-Terms, is it strategy to interfere in US Politics? What does "pharasaicalism" have to do with Republicans and duplicity? Is it on abortion? And What is Relative Deprivation? What does it have to do with Crime and Violence? We raise and answer these questions on the podcast episode today as we provide commentary on several major news surrounding "Duplicity, Politics and An Introduction To Relative Deprivation-in relation to crime and violence. The episode is split up in several segments. Each segment is interspersed with beautiful background transition music from Spotify and Anchor. The Episode also has curious, dramatic and dynamic background music mixed in original sound and noise to enhance your listening pleasure and experience.
The Segments include:
1. Preface to the Episode
2. Introduction to News Commentary
3. Duplicity is to “do as I say, but not as I do”
4. Introduction to News Commentary Cont’d
5. News Commentary: President Joe Biden Overhauls US Policy on Marijuana, Reverses Federal Offences.
6. News Commentary: OPEC plans to cut oil outputs by 2 millions barrels per day, is this a strategy to interfere in US Politics-Mid-term elections? This may mean difficult times ahead when we are already trying to get out of an inflation and pandemic and staving of $6.00 a gallon at the pumps.
7. News Commentary: OPEC plans to cut oil outputs by 2 millions barrels per day, is this a strategy to interfere in US Politics-Mid-term elections? Cont’d
8. News Commentary: OPEC plans to cut oil outputs by 2 millions barrels per day, is this a strategy to interfere in US Politics-Mid-term elections? Cont’d
9. News Commentary: OPEC plans to cut oil outputs by 2 millions barrels per day, is this a strategy to interfere in US Politics-Mid-term elections? Conclusion
10. Announcement: Philly Homes For Youth is looking for an Organizer and the issue of Homelessness.
11. Segment Introduction
12. What’s Life Like Living in Philadelphia: Host of the Series Recounts being nervous while conducting interview with BDOT in the store days before BDOT was killed in said store.
13. Duplicity, Politics, Pharasaicalism and Introduction to Relative Deprivation
14. Wrap Up.
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The show’s creator is Renaldo McKenzie, author of Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance which is available in all formats worldwide. Renaldo is working on several other book projects and research and you may visit You may also also access more of Renaldo’s writing by visiting The Neoliberal Commentary in LinkedIn or our website journals and publications at, and Renaldo’s author’s page at Kirkus Reiews

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The Neoliberal Corporation, is a grassroots, think tank, news commentary, publishers, writers, researchers, social and digital medial creators, publishers and web application specialists that is aimed at serving the world today to solve tomorrow’s challenges, by making popular, what was the monopoly which is communication.